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What's the best way to lose visceral fat?

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Weight Management

What's the best way to lose visceral fat?

December 8, 2022

Learn about visceral fat, its potential health risks, and the most effective ways to reduce it. Find out how simple lifestyle changes can have a big impact on your metabolic health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Visceral fat is deep-seated fat surrounding vital organs, posing serious health risks.
  • Causes include poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol, chronic stress and insufficient sleep.
  • Regular exercise, especially HIIT, can combat visceral fat.
  • A balanced diet low in trans fats and refined sugars is vital.
  • Limiting alcohol and managing stress are crucial for metabolic health.

Visceral fat isn't just the fat you see bulging around the waistline. Situated deep within the abdominal cavity, this fat envelops our essential organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines. Visceral fat is not visible like subcutaneous fat, which you can pinch on your arms, thighs and belly, and it's much more than just an aesthetic concern.

It's essential to understand that visceral fat buildup isn't an overnight event. Typically, poor lifestyle choices, chronic stress or hormonal imbalances over several months or years lead to noticeable increases in this type of fat.

An excessive accumulation of visceral fat can lead to numerous health complications, including:

Insulin resistance

A precursor to diabetes, insulin resistance occurs when cells in the body stop responding effectively to insulin. Visceral fat secretes adipokines, proteins that can cause cells to become resistant to insulin's effects. As insulin plays a pivotal role in controlling blood sugar levels, any interference in its function can lead to increased sugar in the bloodstream. Over time, this can evolve into type 2 diabetes if not managed.

High blood pressure

Visceral fat can contribute to arterial stiffness and high blood pressure. The inflammatory substances and proteins released by visceral fat can cause blood vessels to constrict and the arteries to harden, a process known as atherosclerosis. This leads to increased pressure on the cardiovascular system, causing high blood pressure or hypertension.

High blood sugar levels

Excess visceral fat can lead to an imbalance in blood sugar regulation. It releases chemicals that induce the liver to release an excessive amount of glucose into the blood. This surge in blood sugar further disrupts the delicate balance, leading to hyperglycaemia, a precursor to diabetes.

Cardiovascular diseases

Visceral fat releases free fatty acids into the portal vein, which transports blood from the intestinal area to the liver. These fatty acids can alter blood lipid levels, leading to increased LDL (bad cholesterol) and decreased HDL (good cholesterol). Combined with the inflammatory substances, these changes raise the risk of heart diseases like coronary artery disease.

Recent research has highlighted that Australians with higher levels of visceral fat are more prone to these health challenges, underscoring the importance of finding the most effective way to lose visceral fat. Periodic check-ups, understanding your body's changes, and monitoring risk factors can help identify and manage the buildup before it reaches dangerous levels.

Causes of visceral fat buildup

The time it takes for one's body to accumulate dangerous levels of visceral fat varies based on several factors. For some people, a prolonged period of unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle might be needed to develop concerning levels of visceral fat. In contrast, others might notice an accelerated buildup after just a few months of such habits, especially if they are genetically predisposed.

The first step towards figuring out how to lose visceral fat fast is understanding its root cause. While genetics can play a role, the bulk of visceral fat accumulation results from specific lifestyle choices and environmental factors.

With the right knowledge in hand, you can make informed decisions to better control this hidden adversary. Let's look into the major contributors that lead to the buildup of this harmful fat.

  • Poor nutrition: Diets high in processed foods, sugars and unhealthy fats promote fat storage in the abdomen.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can cause metabolic slowdown and fat accumulation.
  • Chronic stress: Persistent stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, prompting the body to store fat in the midsection.
  • Excessive alcohol: While moderate consumption might be harmless, excessive drinking has been associated with an increase in visceral fat.
  • Lack of sleep: Disrupted sleep patterns can interfere with hormones that regulate appetite and fat storage.

How to lose visceral fat naturally

Embarking on a journey to shed visceral fat goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's a commitment to better health and longevity. As you explore how to burn visceral fat, you'll discover that it requires a combination of tailored dietary choices, consistent physical activity and positive lifestyle changes.

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand the holistic approach you can adopt to naturally combat this deep-seated fat.

1. Maintain an exercise routine

Engaging in regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to burn off excess visceral fat. Research has highlighted the importance of consistent exercise in breaking down this specific type of fat.

Aim for at least 30 minutes daily, incorporating resistance training and aerobic exercises. HIIT, which combines high-intensity workouts like sprinting with low-intensity activities, is particularly beneficial. The key is to remain consistent and choose activities you enjoy.

2. Adopt a healthy diet

Consume lean proteins, complex carbs and abundant fibre from vegetables and fruits. Minimise intake of trans fats, refined sugars and processed foods. According to a recent study, nutritional education is one of the four phases of promoting a healthy weight, lowering body mass index and reducing waist circumference.

3. Limit alcohol intake

Keep alcohol consumption in check. According to new data from Finnish researchers, excessive alcohol consumption, regardless of gender, increases visceral fat accumulation in diabetics.

4. Manage stress

Chronic stress can be a silent contributor to the buildup of visceral fat. When the body is under prolonged stress, it releases the hormone cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels prompt the body to store fat, particularly in the abdominal area, as it believes it needs to conserve energy for potential future threats. Seek professional assistance if overwhelmed.

5. Prioritise sleep

Ensure 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night for optimal metabolic health. If you're having trouble sleeping, check out these natural herbs and supplements that may help improve your sleep.

Tackling visceral fat requires a comprehensive approach, focusing on diet, physical activity and overall lifestyle. If you're keen to delve deeper into metabolic health and harness actionable insights, explore the Vively app. It's an invaluable tool designed to enhance your understanding of glucose control and guide you on a healthier journey.

Get irrefutable data about your diet and lifestyle by using your own glucose data with Vively’s CGM Program. We’re currently offering a 20% discount for our annual plan. Sign up here.

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What's the best way to lose visceral fat?
December 8, 2022

What's the best way to lose visceral fat?

Learn about visceral fat, its potential health risks, and the most effective ways to reduce it. Find out how simple lifestyle changes can have a big impact on your metabolic health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Visceral fat is deep-seated fat surrounding vital organs, posing serious health risks.
  • Causes include poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive alcohol, chronic stress and insufficient sleep.
  • Regular exercise, especially HIIT, can combat visceral fat.
  • A balanced diet low in trans fats and refined sugars is vital.
  • Limiting alcohol and managing stress are crucial for metabolic health.

Visceral fat isn't just the fat you see bulging around the waistline. Situated deep within the abdominal cavity, this fat envelops our essential organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines. Visceral fat is not visible like subcutaneous fat, which you can pinch on your arms, thighs and belly, and it's much more than just an aesthetic concern.

It's essential to understand that visceral fat buildup isn't an overnight event. Typically, poor lifestyle choices, chronic stress or hormonal imbalances over several months or years lead to noticeable increases in this type of fat.

An excessive accumulation of visceral fat can lead to numerous health complications, including:

Insulin resistance

A precursor to diabetes, insulin resistance occurs when cells in the body stop responding effectively to insulin. Visceral fat secretes adipokines, proteins that can cause cells to become resistant to insulin's effects. As insulin plays a pivotal role in controlling blood sugar levels, any interference in its function can lead to increased sugar in the bloodstream. Over time, this can evolve into type 2 diabetes if not managed.

High blood pressure

Visceral fat can contribute to arterial stiffness and high blood pressure. The inflammatory substances and proteins released by visceral fat can cause blood vessels to constrict and the arteries to harden, a process known as atherosclerosis. This leads to increased pressure on the cardiovascular system, causing high blood pressure or hypertension.

High blood sugar levels

Excess visceral fat can lead to an imbalance in blood sugar regulation. It releases chemicals that induce the liver to release an excessive amount of glucose into the blood. This surge in blood sugar further disrupts the delicate balance, leading to hyperglycaemia, a precursor to diabetes.

Cardiovascular diseases

Visceral fat releases free fatty acids into the portal vein, which transports blood from the intestinal area to the liver. These fatty acids can alter blood lipid levels, leading to increased LDL (bad cholesterol) and decreased HDL (good cholesterol). Combined with the inflammatory substances, these changes raise the risk of heart diseases like coronary artery disease.

Recent research has highlighted that Australians with higher levels of visceral fat are more prone to these health challenges, underscoring the importance of finding the most effective way to lose visceral fat. Periodic check-ups, understanding your body's changes, and monitoring risk factors can help identify and manage the buildup before it reaches dangerous levels.

Causes of visceral fat buildup

The time it takes for one's body to accumulate dangerous levels of visceral fat varies based on several factors. For some people, a prolonged period of unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle might be needed to develop concerning levels of visceral fat. In contrast, others might notice an accelerated buildup after just a few months of such habits, especially if they are genetically predisposed.

The first step towards figuring out how to lose visceral fat fast is understanding its root cause. While genetics can play a role, the bulk of visceral fat accumulation results from specific lifestyle choices and environmental factors.

With the right knowledge in hand, you can make informed decisions to better control this hidden adversary. Let's look into the major contributors that lead to the buildup of this harmful fat.

  • Poor nutrition: Diets high in processed foods, sugars and unhealthy fats promote fat storage in the abdomen.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can cause metabolic slowdown and fat accumulation.
  • Chronic stress: Persistent stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, prompting the body to store fat in the midsection.
  • Excessive alcohol: While moderate consumption might be harmless, excessive drinking has been associated with an increase in visceral fat.
  • Lack of sleep: Disrupted sleep patterns can interfere with hormones that regulate appetite and fat storage.

How to lose visceral fat naturally

Embarking on a journey to shed visceral fat goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's a commitment to better health and longevity. As you explore how to burn visceral fat, you'll discover that it requires a combination of tailored dietary choices, consistent physical activity and positive lifestyle changes.

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand the holistic approach you can adopt to naturally combat this deep-seated fat.

1. Maintain an exercise routine

Engaging in regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to burn off excess visceral fat. Research has highlighted the importance of consistent exercise in breaking down this specific type of fat.

Aim for at least 30 minutes daily, incorporating resistance training and aerobic exercises. HIIT, which combines high-intensity workouts like sprinting with low-intensity activities, is particularly beneficial. The key is to remain consistent and choose activities you enjoy.

2. Adopt a healthy diet

Consume lean proteins, complex carbs and abundant fibre from vegetables and fruits. Minimise intake of trans fats, refined sugars and processed foods. According to a recent study, nutritional education is one of the four phases of promoting a healthy weight, lowering body mass index and reducing waist circumference.

3. Limit alcohol intake

Keep alcohol consumption in check. According to new data from Finnish researchers, excessive alcohol consumption, regardless of gender, increases visceral fat accumulation in diabetics.

4. Manage stress

Chronic stress can be a silent contributor to the buildup of visceral fat. When the body is under prolonged stress, it releases the hormone cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels prompt the body to store fat, particularly in the abdominal area, as it believes it needs to conserve energy for potential future threats. Seek professional assistance if overwhelmed.

5. Prioritise sleep

Ensure 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night for optimal metabolic health. If you're having trouble sleeping, check out these natural herbs and supplements that may help improve your sleep.

Tackling visceral fat requires a comprehensive approach, focusing on diet, physical activity and overall lifestyle. If you're keen to delve deeper into metabolic health and harness actionable insights, explore the Vively app. It's an invaluable tool designed to enhance your understanding of glucose control and guide you on a healthier journey.

Get irrefutable data about your diet and lifestyle by using your own glucose data with Vively’s CGM Program. We’re currently offering a 20% discount for our annual plan. Sign up here.


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